Friday, 14 January 2011

So, Which is the artist's original? I did this for some college work last year, but just thought I'd see if you could tell which one I did and which one Illustrator, Danny Allison did!?!

This is my reworded version of Psalm 23 for South Bank Baptist Church. I quite like doing the typographic stuff, I guess it's not really 'proper' typography but I mean I'm using type, right?
Colour scheme opinions are welcome, as well as general opinions for that matter. :)

i don't have time to maintain my regrets

This song changed something in me. The way John Mark McMillan phrases his relationship with God and his experiences of God's love. So one summer evening 2 years ago I decided to create this, due to my slow laptop I was up until about 4am doing so, but hey. Hope you like it.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Comic Book Places by Justin Van Genderen

Marvel at it's beauty. (See what I did there?) I am bias because I LOVE Marvel and almost (and I mean almost) everything about it! But I will move on to a more 'Graphic' approach to this blog after I have just expressed how much I love it. :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O !!!!
Okay that will do.

So this is one of many of the 'Minimalist' style pictures Justin Van Genderen has produced. JustinVG is a free lance Graphic Illustrator and/or Designer and has been for about 10 years. His company is called 2046 Design and he has work on a number of high end projects for brands like FOX, Hugo Boss, OM Ships and a broad range of Movie and Music print designs. He also has done a lot of Company Identity work and his portfolio is topped off with numerous Personal images made entirely to show off his ability. All very impressive. (Except one logo he did for a cafe/juice bar type affair where he used Bradley Hand ugghhh)

So as a massive Marvel fan I naturally love this image, but even if I want there is something about its texture and colour that is really nice. It has that whole retro feel to it with the large serif type and the ornate decorations in the corners and above and below the lettering. Using only 3 main colours (discounting Spiderman) it is very simple and beautiful. The gradients along with the old paper type texture make it all the more wonderful to look at. You know when you look at something and think "I wish I did that"...

For all you DC lovers who are reading this thinking "Sissy Marvel fan SHUT UP" There are a few DC ones too. Which again look awesome! You can buy them all as prints from Image Kind (you can find the rest of them and some of the Minimalist Star Wars ones from that link too!)